Another great Vintage Bazaar

We pulled out a truck load of vintage goodies this weekend: Pyrex, furniture, tablecloths, Bakelite, aluminum, glassware, kitchen gadgets, paintings… 

Luray made the screen door sign for our very first show

we have the best customers ever–they come back again and again

Luray always sets a great table–or ten–with lots of fun color

Thanks for a fantastic weekend at The Vintage Bazaar!

Flowers at Pettengill Farm

Love this great mix of bright fall colors!

Wow, did we ever have a BUSY weekend at The Vintage Bazaar! So here’s a big THANK YOU to all our fantastic customers who come back time and time again. You’re the BEST! We get a kick out of hearing how much you love our booth–it keeps us motivated to find fun, colorful treasures that you’ll love to take home.

For the first time ever we didn’t even have time to walk around and take photos–a very good problem! Thanks to Hannah for taking snaps of our Dish Sister’s booth:

The BIg Green Dresser

The Big Green Dresser finally sold! YAY!

Yes, there’s more! Click here!

Color, color everywhere at The Vintage Bazaar

The Vintage Bazaar is not the best shopping experience for play-it-safe-with-beige people. (On second thought, maybe I just ignored all the safe, neutral stuff!) It’s chock full of fun and colorful treasures. I didn’t have a lot of time for shopping, but I did grab a few snapshots.

First, the furniture…

My dining room chairs are this exact style, but I never thought of doing this with them. Adding slatted seats has got to be easier than messing with new upholstery.

green chair bench

Green Siamese dining room chairs forever joined at the seat. And what a cool Tom Thumb typewriter!

Yep, there’s lots more!

You meet the greatest people at the Vintage Bazaar

We had our best weekend EVER at the Vintage Bazaar. We sold loads of vintage goodness, but my favorite part of the weekend is meeting so many fun and wonderful people. This year I got brave and asked some of them if I could take their pictures.

lady with Frida Kahlo flowers

Rocking a fabulous outfit and Frida Kahlo floral head band.

She said I could take her photo only if her dog got in on the action. Why, certainly!

Yep, there’s more!

I watched American Pickers and this happened…

Last month a found a small side table at a yard sale that was begging for a makeover. (The table, not the yard sale!)


How’s this for a style contrast? Glittering cut glass on a crude, pine scrap table. Why didn’t I buy the bowl?!

It brought back great memories of camping in Maine, so I planned to paint it a bright, vacation-y sort of color. In the meantime, I watched nearly an entire season of American Pickers on Amazon Prime.

And this happened…

See what I did!